Please read one or more of the following responses from our community out loud, in whatever voice and style feels right for you.
Please go slowly and pause between passages.
We will be mixing and blending as many voices as we receive into the podcast episode where we share and respond to these survey responses.
By submitting a recording you are consenting to your voice appearing on Pleasure Mechanics podcasts, social media, online courses or any other media type. You will not be identified nor compensated in any form.
Thank you for your participation in the Pleasure Mechanics community! We hope this community experiment generates a meaningful episode for us all. To record any other message or question for the show, click here.
Shame Slayers Responses To Record
“My shame told me I was wrong, no matter what I wanted or how or how much or with whom. The shame oozed out of every corner of my upbringing“
“It sounds so simple, but practicing self-compassion has helped me tremendously. My previous tendency was to become ashamed of the shame I felt. I still feel shame, enough that it is challenging for me to talk with my loving partner about my inability to orgasm with him, but when it arises, I no longer turn against myself for feeling it. I’m not sure what “slaying” looks like for me in any final sense, but I am not as haunted by shame as I once was.“
“I avoided sex for a really long time because of enormous body shame and shame around performance/ skills (because of lack of experience). Then felt tremendous shame about being a “virgin”- felt like I was treated as though I was immature, incomplete, or young by peers. It became a self-perpetuating shame cycle“
“I’m just surprised by how previous sexual partners, both the casual encounters and people I felt deeply connected with, would pass subtle judgments on or appraisals of my orgasms, body and love of sex in a way that made me feel like just who I was was threatening to them. Because of this, it is hard for me to have full body orgasms with partners, the kind of orgasms I can have on my own, and this is a source of shame for me.“
“Accessing Sex Positive material on the internet and podcasts such as Pleasure Mechanics have given me more insight into my own sexuality which helps me see myself as more ‘normal’, whilst increasing my awareness of the dynamics of privilege, gender, sexuality, and patriarchy“
“Learning that I get to choose what works best for me and my life and relationships instead of having to follow societal scripts“