Remember- the erotic is a realm much bigger than sexuality.
Eros is that which brings us life, creativity, vitality.
Expand your understanding of eros and start noticing the things that SPARK LIFE for you – these are your keys to a more pleasurable life, on your own terms. No one else’s erotic constellation is quite like yours. It is as personal to you as your fingerprint. So explore your pleasures and you’ll discover more about who you, specifically are, and what gifts you are here to offer. At least, that’s how we look at it!
Here is a collection of links that will help you #SeeBeautyEverywhere
★Your Body Is Beautiful. Your Body Is Good Enough (podcast episode) #SeeBeautyEverywhere : This photographer turns her lens on a wide range of bodies to celebrate all forms of beauty
★ With beautiful photography and intimate interviews, Bare Reality exposes the vulnerable truth we all carry in our flesh
★ Sometimes, the headline is just perfect: Flowers Can Hear Buzzing Bees – And It Makes Their Nectar Sweeter
★ Behold the spectacular diversity of humans, this time through the lens of height. Remember these images if you ever want to ask if your body is normal. Chances are, you are well within the glorious range of human variance!