Sex after injury. Sex after diagnosis of illness. Sex after health crisis. Sex after accidents. Sex after…
Whatever life has thrown at you, here you are – wholly human, but changed. There’s a “before” and an “after” these huge life changes – and if you are here, you are ready to ask some big questions.
What about sex? What about pleasure? What about intimacy, connection, dating? What about fucking? Will that ever be available to me again? Will I even want it?
So many questions. And while I don’t have your answers – only you know the specifics of what you are living with and what you are up against and what you want and need in this life…
… but you are not alone. I put together this online resource for all of us exploring “Sex After…”
You’ll find a collection of questions, conversation starters, resources, practices and embodied explorations to assist you in turning towards more pleasure, joy and connection – from right here, in your own messy and complicated “after”